My website for EDCI 337, and 338!

Category: Assignment 2 – Comments

Comment 10

Hi Kevin,

Computer science intertwined into the field of Kinesiology is quite an interesting degree! I’m excited for what you’ll get up to post-grad 🙂

I fully agree that a healthy professional PLN brings opportunities in all shapes. Those without branches through a PLN are surely at a disadvantage when it comes to expanding/building a career. Now in our youth is an excellent time to jump on the ball like you mentioned!

Hope the course is wrapping up well for you!


Comment 9

Hi there!

We mention similar points in our blogs, but I liked this one point you made:

“[Social media platforms] will ensure that they provide you with the information you want to see. They will spoon feed you information that will benefit themselves as a company.”. I think this is a great insight inti the algorithmic harm that can come from use of certain social media platforms. It’s a true thought-spiral if you start engaging with misinformation pages.

Great work 🙂

Comment 8

Hi there!

I can definitely understand where Sophie is coming from when she says that she “presents herself differently on twitter and Instagram”, as in their nature they can be quite different platforms.

Sophie herself mentions that she actually showcases her fiancée on Instagram, as it’s a more intimate feeling platform, whereas Twitter she uses more to showcase news highlights, and political reactions.

Great work 🙂 keep it up!

Comment 7

Hi there!

You mention that Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are great outlets to use to “create topics and subjects that can be reached by all audiences” in the context of a community that hears you out and understands you.

I’m not sure I 100% agree, as I believe that some of these communities have negativity prevalent throughout them – Youtube being the notable one. I think that no matter what’s posted by a user, if their viewerbase is big enough there will always be online trolls and bullies, as much as I’d like to believe otherwise. Let me know what you think.


Comment 6

Hi Kevin,

I found one point of contention of our approach to engaging a PLN, you mention that you’d “make sure that [your] PLN is specific [to yourself] and that someone else’s successful PLN wouldn’t necessarily be successful for [you].”. I think this is not always the case. If a topic is similar, say graphic design, then I believe there will definitely be key figureheads that would/should be in your PLN.

However, I agree that personal PLN connections differ from this.


Comment 5

Hi there!

I found your tangent here really meaningful: “the relationship of [student-educator] trust is a necessary condition for the dissemination of thoughts and ideas in educational discourse”. Very well written and described!

I do agree with your points on Social Media’s accessibility, but as a counter argument I’d point to my experiences of being overwhelmed, or lost when using social media as a educational source. Just food for thought/my opinion 🙂

Comment 4

Hi there!

It’s great to hear you’re surrounded by such a diverse and healthy PLN!

I agree with you that lived experience can make each of us different, despite how our lifestyles and upbringings may converge.

Definitely seeking out old acquaintances, and branching out to new connections will ensure you’re exposed to new points of view – that’s awesome! 🙂

Comment 3

Hi there!

I found your mentioning of students in China using WeChat, Educate Credits Website, Small Red Book and Bilibili to expand their professional/private PLNs interesting. I wonder how the effectiveness ranges between these website, and what is commonly used in Canada?

I guess involvement would be a major player, but since I’ve never used the apps you listed I’m not sure what the userbase looks like.

Thanks for sharing!

Comment 2

Hi Hongyuan!

I liked your point about searching through someone’s digital identity – it is true that going back in history on someone’s Facebook for instance can show great changes in maturity.

Great point, and I hope the course is going well for you!

Comment 1

#Blog1:Public Communications

Hi there,

Nice blog! I noticed that our thinking differs in that “[social media has allowed for] multicultural exchanges and integration have enabled more people to understand and set up mutual tolerance, eliminating discrimination and isolation”. I do agree that social media has opened up globalization in a big way, allowing for more multicultural intermingling, but in my opinion, not all of it is positive. The issue with the walls of communication falling is that not everyone agrees! The sad truth is that a lot of “discrimination and isolation” has occurred to social media.

Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this.
