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EDCI 338 Final Project: Podcast with Video

Hey there!

For this final project I took a crack at video creation, paired with a podcast!

This was done solely by myself, as had a miscommunication with a group, but I’m more than happy with how the final product came out!

I hope you enjoy this discussion based around comparing and contrasting social media platforms, key characteristics of PLNs, digital identities/online reputation, and the overall connection to privacy, security, and the data collection of a PLN.


Adam Smith. (2022). “New study identifies ‘TikTok addiction’ and the symptoms that show users might have it”. The Independent. Retrieved from 

Green, Cathy, L. (n.d.) “Personal Learning Networks: Defining and Building a PLN”. Retrieved from

BBC. (2021). “Donald Trump plans social media comeback, says adviser”. Retrieved from

Latestly. (n.d.). “Harry Potter Author JK Rowling Faces Backlash For Her Insensitive and Offensive Tweet on Transgender People”. Retrieved from 

The New York Times. (2022). “Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: The Scandal and the Fallout So Far”. Retrieved from

Comment 10

Hi Kevin,

Computer science intertwined into the field of Kinesiology is quite an interesting degree! I’m excited for what you’ll get up to post-grad 🙂

I fully agree that a healthy professional PLN brings opportunities in all shapes. Those without branches through a PLN are surely at a disadvantage when it comes to expanding/building a career. Now in our youth is an excellent time to jump on the ball like you mentioned!

Hope the course is wrapping up well for you!


Blog Post 10: Engaging your PLN

  • Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?
    • I definitely hope to further engage my PLN post-course. I feel like once I’ve aimed where I’d like to take my career in the coming months, I’ll have an actionable group of peers that can help me achieve my goals
  • Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?
    • @30:03 the example of this peer’s step into a happy and flourishing career thanks to online communities and conferences is definitely a great example of this. I think that any community that is positive in nature, and nourished learning and development will lead to good things when engaged with. I personally have crafted healthy working relationships at past co-ops and still engage with past managers on LinkedIn. I feel strongly that if I were to ask for help, or a stepping stone back into areas surrounding Public Health, or Data Analytics, I would have a group of individuals behind my back supporting me all the way.

Comment 9

Hi there!

We mention similar points in our blogs, but I liked this one point you made:

“[Social media platforms] will ensure that they provide you with the information you want to see. They will spoon feed you information that will benefit themselves as a company.”. I think this is a great insight inti the algorithmic harm that can come from use of certain social media platforms. It’s a true thought-spiral if you start engaging with misinformation pages.

Great work 🙂

Blog Post 9: Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN

  • Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict; why does this happen?
    • Nowadays news is “pulled” instead of “pushed” as was seen historically. What this means is there’s an option to choose to agree with what you already agree with, and humans love to be affirmed, so we choose to represent a source that we already agree with. This tars up communication of facts, as every fact can be proven or disproven depending where you pull your sources from, as there are so many options with differing agendas and perspectives.
  • What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?
    • Good media literacy in a PLN will often help catch the improper use of facts, or what would be pushed as misinformation. By having a well-constructed PLN engage with a misrepresented truth, the transfer of incorrect knowledge can be avoided. As well, hopefully the poster can be engaged with by those with differing viewpoint, and a constructive exchange of knowledge can occur.

Comment 8

Hi there!

I can definitely understand where Sophie is coming from when she says that she “presents herself differently on twitter and Instagram”, as in their nature they can be quite different platforms.

Sophie herself mentions that she actually showcases her fiancĂ©e on Instagram, as it’s a more intimate feeling platform, whereas Twitter she uses more to showcase news highlights, and political reactions.

Great work 🙂 keep it up!

Blog Post 8: Balancing PLN & Public Discourse

  • Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes and questions above, reflecting on how you would curate your social media with a critical public audience.
  • Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?
    • From Sophie’s discussion it was evident that she’s been extremely reflective, and intelligent with how she utilizes her online presence. I found her speaking about a need for more control over her tweets interesting, as it makes sense. When your persona becomes larger and larger, your network increases, and in most cases with this being the case, more and more people are more likely to find disagreement switch what you have to say. She said she’s found that she’s even lessened the amount of tweets she’s sent simple because she exercises a tighter seal on what she sends out, as the blowback has ballooned the larger her network has gotten.
    • She  mentioned she seeks out the positives and negative aspects of a given topic nowadays, as it’s what helps her mindset grow.
  • How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer’s social media policy?
    • Omission is often the best step here. It’s not worth your time of day to spend typing back a response to a person who may not budge from a viewpoint regardless of what you have to say, and as your influence grows, you’ll have more and more people saying a larger multitude of things – good or bad.
    • A time to stand up though is when a true legal boundary is crossed, or when a key member of your PLN has something to say about your beliefs.

Comment 7

Hi there!

You mention that Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are great outlets to use to “create topics and subjects that can be reached by all audiences” in the context of a community that hears you out and understands you.

I’m not sure I 100% agree, as I believe that some of these communities have negativity prevalent throughout them – Youtube being the notable one. I think that no matter what’s posted by a user, if their viewerbase is big enough there will always be online trolls and bullies, as much as I’d like to believe otherwise. Let me know what you think.


Blog Post 7: Community Engagement & Your PLN

  • What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?
    • There are numerous benefits of having a PLN in social media that positively interfaces with hearing out your viewpoints, beliefs, and developing understandings. Part of the human experience is to be social creatures, and to be social is to have fruitful conversations and communication. Part of the issue with online communication is that without the human presence in front of you, the life that comes with face-to-face communication is lost – and this can lead to a lack of “hearing one out” on their viewpoint, and demonizing them in a sense. It’s the hope that online communities can hold each other accountable to be heard, and if negative interactions arise, to speak through them, and not outright slander, and omit another human.
    • Allowing voices to be heard in this manner allows for a community to become closer with one another, and reduce their “barriers” which we all instinctively adopt when dropped into new social situations.
    • It’s for the betterment of oneself, and the community to speak openly, and critique honestly.

Comment 6

Hi Kevin,

I found one point of contention of our approach to engaging a PLN, you mention that you’d “make sure that [your] PLN is specific [to yourself] and that someone else’s successful PLN wouldn’t necessarily be successful for [you].”. I think this is not always the case. If a topic is similar, say graphic design, then I believe there will definitely be key figureheads that would/should be in your PLN.

However, I agree that personal PLN connections differ from this.


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