• How diverse is your PLN/Are you learning from a variety of diverse voices and are you expanding your understanding of the views of others?
    • Throughout my post-secondary experience, I found myself to be quite an extroverted individual. Due to this, I’ve found that I’ve exchanged many different viewpoints, with many different individuals from differing backgrounds, and I’m always seeking to improve this. Because of this, I would personally find that my PLN is diverse, as I pull my beliefs and understandings from encounters with many different people with differing backgrounds.
    •  I also interface with new people and bring my beliefs and understandings to those conversations. I believe in healthy communication, and love to hear the thoughts of those close to me, and the thoughts of those new to me.
  • What is a learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?
    • I believe in self-reflection, and seeking out those who may have differing opinions, or beliefs of how to do things. However, truly your exposure to diversity and inclusion takes a constant introverted attention coming from within.