• What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?
    • The major platform currently used by students to develop a professional identity, as far as I’m aware, is LinkedIn: I actually recall the first time I heard LinkedIn mentioned in University – it was described to me as “ professional Facebook”, and as silly as this may sound, I believe it does get the message across in a brief manner. On LinkedIn, users are prompted to post not only about their professional successes, but also their beliefs in activism, and (of course) appropriate interests. 
  • What should a student consider when expanding their professional learning network?
    • A student could consider reaching out to those who they see as a teacher or mentor, and listening to their recommendations on where to seek knowledge.
  • How do data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?
    • I believe that privacy and security are important in an online landscape, but there are drawbacks: often enough big data and data analytics seem to encroach on privacy, can actually help improve suggestions for learning and interest’s sake to the user.
  • In your network how can you create a digital identity/ reputation?
    • Creating a digital identity, or reputation in your network comes down to not only your given post’s impact, but frequency also plays a role. People are busy, and so it’s often difficult to feel impacted by something if you’re not always around it, or if the media has little weight – a poster should be aware of this when seeking to expand/create a digital identity, or reputation.
  • How did pivots to work-from-home during the COVID-19 pandemic change how we should consider our social media connectivity and professional balance?
    • Covid-19 definitely allowed people much more flexibility when it came to their work-life balance. Many found procrastination much easier, due to the lack of separation between “time on the clock”, and “free time”. I personally believe that it can be healthy to work from home, but of course it fully relies on an individual’s self-regulation, work ethic, and work-life balance, as this is needed to avoid burnout.
  • Additionally, consider in your blog submission how an employer would respond if you applied for a job with them and assessed your social media presence via your digital identity.
    • Personally, if an employer were to assess me through my social media presence, I think it would be a positive encounter, (assuming this is mostly just Instagram and LinkedIn). This is because on my Instagram I showcase my volunteering, my hobbies, and a healthy involvement with UVic clubs. As well, I’ve spent  numerous hours improving my LinkedIn account to make me the most hireable, as I use this website quite often during the hiring process for my co-ops.